Hi, I'm Griffin. I'm a 26 year old queer, nonbinary, and disabled writer and nerd. I like rpgs and choice-based games a lot. Besides games, I write fiction and poetry, usually within speculative genres.
You can find more of my writing stuff at ramblinggriffin.tumblr.com, or at griffinwrites on instagram. My main blog is thatwitchrevan.tumblr.com and my gaming blog is https://tinygriffingames.tumblr.com/. I have a ko-fi as well.
Jams I've participated in include Low Effort Jam 9, IF Speed Jam 1, Spring from the Graves Jam, Time Attack Jam, Bookmark Micro Jam 2023, and Lost, Broken, Unplayable.
Graphics for this page unless otherwise specified are made by me! Graphics from other sources are linked to their creators/sites. Graphics used in my games are generally sourced from pexels and archive.org.
Blinkies via piconaut Blinkie Cafe
by hillhouse